Coming soon


Kathryn joined director Chris Nelius and the Finch No Worries team to DP this charming, joyous feature documentary celebrating the wonderfully unique world of professional whistling and the shared passion that brings a cohort of wildly different personalities together for the most anticipated event of the year for their community – the Masters of Musical Whistling (MMW) in Los Angeles, CA.
The MMW happens every two years and is the most prestigious event in the global whistling calendar. While amateur whistling is ubiquitous, very few make it to the elite level, resulting in a tight-knit circle of competitors who
share a long history – mentees have become rivals, strangers have become collaborators, and even romances have blossomed at these pivotal events that bring this scattered international community together.


I’m Wanita

I’m Wanita Official Trailer


Teaming up with Director Matt Walker and People Productions, Kathryn shot the wild New Orleans to Nashville tour section of this odd and powerful feature documentary.

I’m Wanita is a combination of country-star biography, international road picture, and an authentic country musical the kind not seen since Robert Altman’s Nashville … A satisfying, carefully cut gem of a film with a heart enough to cover Texas and the songs to match.” – Original Cin


Rosemary’s Way

One of the hits of 2020’s online Sydney Film Festival, Rosemary’s Way was directed by Ros Horin and shot over several years by Kathryn and Co-DOP, Caroline Constantine ACS.

The feature doco follows charismatic change-maker, Rosemary Kariuki, on a mission to empower migrant women, enticing them out of cultural silos, exposing them to new ideas, experiences and the wider Australian society. Her means are anything but orthodox and laughter is her secret weapon

Filthy Rich & Homeless

Series 2 & 3

Blackfella Films

After working as a daytime DOP Team Alli on Filthy Rich and Homeless Series 2 with director Kalita Corrigan, Kathryn returned to Series 3 as a Shooter Director.

She Who Must Be Loved


Kathryn joined director, Erica Glynn of the legendary Glynn family, as DOP of this feature length deco, on a journey from Annandale to Alice, Adelaide to Ali Curung to celebrate their matriarch, the wonderful Alfreda Glynn, co- founder of CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association).

She Who Must Be Loved is the Winner of the DAF Australian Documentary Award 2019 at the Sydney Film Festival

The jury said "[This] film is a reminder of the continued work and importance of reflective representation of Indigenous communities to all platforms of media. Traversing through very personal and dark moments, the documentary is a poignant yet intimate firsthand testament, yet still find moments to laugh."

It is also the Winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Adelaide Film Festival 2018


Who Do You Think You Are?

Season 8 Episode 8

Shane Jacobsen


Teaming up again with long time collaborator, Director Lisa Matthews, Kathryn headed to Finland to lens this tale of Shane Jacobsen's Viking past.

CONTACT Kathryn to see the full episode.


Golden Nordic sunset off the shore of Uusikaupunki, Finland

Golden Nordic sunset off the shore of Uusikaupunki, Finland

with Director Lisa Matthews

with Director Lisa Matthews

Dramatised Documentary

Present Traces

Series of six short documentaries for the Guardian Online

Now Online 

Kathryn shot two of the series of six

Experiment 20 

a verbatim performance film reflecting on the women who resisted in Stanley Milgram's infamous obedience experiments

for director Kathryn Millard


In The Skin of Others

 A Dramatised documentary about Douglas Grant, an indigenous survivor of the both the indigenous frontier wars and WW1 who spends a night with Henry lawson

for director Tom Murray

RACS Campaign


Kathryn (acting as Producer and DOP) and Director, Lynn Maree Danzey made this pro bono campaign for the community legal centre, Refugee Advice and Casework Service.

Enlisting the help of industry colleagues and service providers such as Lemac Film and Digital, Cutting Edge Post and Nylon Studios they produced a suite of online and broadcast materials to air on SBS TV and promote fundraising for RACS.

Frame grab - shot on the Panasonic Varicam LT

Frame grab - shot on the Panasonic Varicam LT

Immigration Interview WS.jpeg

30 second version of the TVC



“Kathryn Milliss' sharp HD lensing is exemplified by one of the most gorgeous opening images in an Oz-shot pic: a passing ferry in Sydney Harbor on a breathtaking, stormy evening.”                Variety

“The lighting and composition of Kathryn Milliss is majestic, assured and revelatory. It is like seeing Sydney for the first time”                                                                                                   Bob Ellis

“…shot in a Sydney shown to its best advantage by Kathryn Milliss’ dreamy cinematography”                                                                                                                                            Sandra Hall SMH

"Careless Love is beautifully photographed for the wide screen on Sydney locations by Kathryn Milliss"                                                                                       

 David Stratton  The Australian



With director John Duigan at the Figtree Theatre

With director John Duigan at the Figtree Theatre

Luxurious light - on location with Nammi Le

Luxurious light - on location with Nammi Le

Official trailer for CARELESS LOVE. This film tells the story of Linh (Nammi Le), a Vietnamese Australian university student who secretly starts part-time work as an escort.